Advocating Corporate Responsibility in China
As a member of Bo'ao Forum for Asia, Executive Committee of Foreign Investment Companies, the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM) and Advisory Council Member of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), Evonik China is now widely recognized as a leading corporate citizen of China.
Evonik is committed to the global Responsible Care initiative. Evonik Industries signed the declaration at a corporate level in 2006. Evonik China followed suit by signing the Beijing Manifesto in May 2008. In addition, Evonik promotes Responsible Care® through the joint efforts with the Association of International Chemical Manufacturer (AICM). In recent years, several programs are carried out to ensure the company’s production activities correspond with the RC principles. Evonik have defined clear roadmap to implement Responsible Care® and live it through various actions and programs, including a three-year regional environmental, health, safety and sustainability compliance audit program, internal RC standard, RC self-assessment program in all the sites of China and Taiwan, “Good Neighbor Program” and other Open-to-Public events. The events provide a platform to communicate with stakeholders and to improve the image of the chemical industry in general.
Evonik has received the Responsible Care® Merit Award from AICM several time since 2013, in virtue of its excellent performance in implementing and promoting Responsible Care®.