Our Group structure is systematically oriented toward our operational business. The engine of our company consists of the five Divisions with their Business Lines.

The Specialty Additives division combines the business of high-performance additives and versatile crosslinkers. Small input - major effect: This is how our specialties make the difference, for end products becoming more valuable, more durable, more energy-efficient and in many ways simply better.

Nutrition & Care
In the new Nutrition & Care division, everything revolves around human well-being – around health and the quality of life. All products are used directly on, or in humans or animals. They are functional actives, not simply materials.

The Smart Materials division supplies high-performance materials for environment-friendly and energy-efficient systems to the automotive, paints, coatings, adhesives, construction industries and many other sectors.

Performance Materials
The forever young classics of the Performance Materials Division stand for products and technologies that we continuously improve. They are the basis for many modern applications, for example in the areas of mobility, nutrition, pharmaceuticals or plastics.

Technology & Infrastructure
As a driver of innovation and digitization in the production environment, the Technology & Infrastructure division offers a full range of expertise revolving around chemical production.