Press release
February 22, 2011

Powerful Innovations for Beauty & Wellness at PCHi 2011

  • Living up to Corporate Responsibility, Evonik is providing products based on renewable raw materials
  • PCHi 2011 (Feb 22-24 in Shenzhen), Evonik Booth No: B 50


TEGO® Pep 4-Even —— 首项四胜肽产品 用以治疗色素沉着
多项研究证明,白种人使用TEGO® Pep 4-Even后,面部和手部皮肤上的老人斑明显减少;对亚洲人皮肤研究表明,使用TEGO® Pep 4-Even可以延缓黑色素沉淀,但不能阻止黑色素沉淀,因为不停滞的色素沉着过程对于肌肤保持健康相当重要;针对少数民族人群的皮肤(Fitzpatrick皮肤类型IV-V) 临床试验显示,使用TEGO® Pep 4-Even可以缩小色斑和色素沉着的范围,进一步证明了胜肽的抗衰老功效。

HyaCare® Filler CL —— 局部皱纹平滑成分
基于透明质酸的抗衰老特种产品之一的HyaCare® Filler CL有助于瞬间减少面部皱纹和细纹并提高肌肤弹性。因HyaCare® Filler CL产品的高含水性和强效即刻保湿特性,该产品有效支持肌肤锁水。HyaCare® Filler CL产品可应用于所有要求迅速起效以及保湿的抗衰老应用领域。

TEGO® Care PSC 3 —— 源于植物的天然乳化剂
TEGO® Care PSC 3 (INCI名称:聚甘油-3二柠檬酸/ 硬脂酸酯)是一种温和、性能出众、不含PEG的纯天然乳化剂,可用于水包油膏霜和乳液配方,应用非常广泛,且具有极高的性价比。由于TEGO® Care PSC 3能在较宽的pH值范围内形成稳定乳化体,适合用于天然防腐体系的配方中。TEGO® Care PSC 3产品完全以天然原料制备,原料包括甘油、硬脂酸和柠檬酸,无需添加聚丙稀酸类的增稠剂来稳定体系。

AEROSIL® —— 不仅仅是粉末


除了在新产品系列中展示产品亮点,赢创还将在PCHi 技术创新会议期间的三场讲座中介绍我们的新方法和化妆品配方原料。讲座的主题包括“稳定的低粘性油包水型(W/O)乳化系统配备新方法”、“开发新型缓和剂——自然、可持续的高性能解决方案”以及“用于天然化妆品及其他用途的新型低成本水包油型(O/W)乳化剂”。



About Evonik

Evonik Industries is the creative industrial group from Germany. In our core business of specialty chemicals, we are a global leader. In addition, Evonik is an expert in power generation from hard coal and renewable energies, and one of the largest private residential real estate companies in Germany. Our company’s performance is shaped by creativity, specialization, continuous self-renewal, and reliability. Evonik is active in over 100 countries around the world. In its fiscal
year 2009 about 39,000 employees generated sales of about €13.1 billion and an operating profit (EBITDA) of about €2.0 billion.

Evonik Industries has been producing specialty chemical products in China since the early 1990’s; with wide-ranging trading relations already in place prior to this. The Group now has a total of 20 companies and 16 production sites in the Greater China region. Evonik regards China as one of the driving forces of the global economy, and we consequently intend to increase our business in Greater China to around €2 billion by 2015.


In so far as forecasts or expectations are expressed in this press release or where our statements concern the future, these forecasts, expectations or statements may involve known or unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results or developments may vary, depending on changes in the operating environment. Neither Evonik Industries AG nor its group companies assume an obligation to update the forecasts, expectations or statements contained in this release.